Category: Technology

Learn about technology, both new and old.

IP Addresses (Version 4)

Did you know there are two versions of IP addresses? There are Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) addresses and  Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses. In this post, I'll discuss IPv4 addresses. Every device connected to a network, such as the Internet or your home network, is given an IP address. An IP address is ...

Control Types

Control Types After a user has been identified and authenticated, the next security measure involves authorization and access control. From a broad standpoint, there are three main security control classifications that cybersecurity professionals base on their implementation. They are technical, management, and operational. Technical Controls Technical controls are any controls (both hardware and software) utilizing ...

The 5 Factors of Authentication

Many people confuse authentication with authorization. They both start with "auth," so I can see how these terms might be mistakenly used interchangeably. The reality is authentication comes before authorization. Authentication is simply proving you are who you say are. For example, you provide your identity, such as a username or E-mail, and then you ...

How Does HTTPS Work? The TLS Handshake Explained

http is inherently vulnerable to MitM attacks because client-server communication is transmitted in plaintext over the Internet. This makes http sessions vulnerable to MitM, Session Hijacking, and other dangerous attacks. To remediate this vulnerability, security researchers created https, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL encryption. Note: Since 2008, we've been using TLS 1.2, ...

What is the DARK WEB? How to Access It

Introduction: Ever wonder what lurks on the Dark Web? Hear any scary stories about contract killings? Weapons trading? Sex trafficking? Red rooms? These are all very real (with the exception of "red rooms." They are, by and large, more of a myth). At the surface, we have the Internet or the World Wide Web (WWW). ...